This blog is design for those who are fans of classic Japanese dramas!

UPDATES: 2/9/2025

*Ningen Shikkaku 10: On hold
*Papa wa newscaster 8: DONE
*Rikon Bengoshi 8: On Hold


PAPA WA NEWSCASTER - パパはニュースキャスター


He didn't even like children, yet without warning, the handsome, single newscaster finds himself playing the role of father to three impertinent daughters. His entire image of the roles of the sexes gets turned upside down as he makes the transition from a swinger into a caring parent. --- TBS



English subbed version links:

Batch 1-6
Episode 7


Raw Provider: Anonymous
Translator: suany
Timer: Anonymous
Editor: Isabelh2o2
Typesetter: suany
QC: suany
Karaoke: Eri-chan
Encoder: suany
Uploader: suany


Hello! Thank you for taking your precious time to sub this wonderful classic drama. I have always waited and hoped for somebody to take an interest to sub this drama and I finally found you. Thank you again for your contribution. I am trying to learn Japanese but I am still a beginner so, I won't be able to understand most of it.
If you don't mind, could you please reseed the first batch? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you again.

Please send me the direct link to my email.I really want to watch this series. My email address is raveendirangopal8858@gmail.com

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